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1.       Khaykin, S. M., Engel, I., Vömel, H., Formanyuk, I. M., Kivi, R., Korshunov, L. I., Krämer, M., Lykov, A. D., Meier, S., Naebert, T., Pitts, M. C., Santee, M. L., Spelten, N., Wienhold, F. G., Yushkov, V. A., and Peter, T.: Arctic stratospheric dehydration – Part 1: Unprecedented observation of vertical redistribution of water, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 11503-11517, doi:10.5194/acp-13-11503-2013, 2013.

2.       Ghysels, M., Riviere, E. D., Khaykin, S., Stoeffler, C., Amarouche, N., Pommereau, J.-P., Held, G., and Durry, G.: Intercomparison of in situ water vapor balloon-borne measurements from Pico-SDLA H2O and FLASH-B in the tropical UTLS, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 1207-1219, doi:10.5194/amt-9-1207-2016, 2016.

3.       Engel, I., Luo, B. P., Khaykin, S. M., Wienhold, F. G., Vömel, H., Kivi, R., Hoyle, C. R., Grooß, J.-U., Pitts, M. C., and Peter, T.: Arctic stratospheric dehydration – Part 2: Microphysical modeling, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 3231-3246, doi:10.5194/acp-14-3231-2014, 2014.

4.       Fahey, D. W., Gao, R.-S., Möhler, O., Saathoff, H., Schiller, C., Ebert, V., Krämer, M., Peter, T., Amarouche, N., Avallone, L. M., Bauer, R., Bozóki, Z., Christensen, L. E., Davis, S. M., Durry, G., Dyroff, C., Herman, R. L., Hunsmann, S., Khaykin, S. M., Mackrodt, P., Meyer, J., Smith, J. B., Spelten, N., Troy, R. F., Vömel, H., Wagner, S., and Wienhold, F. G.: The AquaVIT-1 intercomparison of atmospheric water vapor measurement techniques, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 3177-3213, doi:10.5194/amt-7-3177-2014, 2014.

5.       Liu, X. M., Rivière, E. D., Marécal, V., Durry, G., Hamdouni, A., Arteta, J., and Khaykin, S.: Stratospheric water vapour budget and convection overshooting the tropopause: modelling study from SCOUT-AMMA, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 8267-8286, doi:10.5194/acp-10-8267-2010, 2010.

6.       V. A. Yushkov, A. N. Luk’yanov, S. M. Khaykin, L. I. Korshunov, R. Neuber, M. Muller, E. Kuro, R. Kivi, H. Voemel, Y. Sasano, and H. Nakane. Vertical Distribution of Water Vapor in the Arctic Stratosphere in January–February 2004 from Data of the LAUTLOS Field Campaign // Izvestiya RAN, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics V. 41, No. 5, pp. 622-630, 2005.

7.       Deuber, B., A. Haefele, D. G. Feist, L. Martin, N. Kampfer, G. E. Nedoluha, V. Yushkov, S. Khaykin, R. Kivi, and H. Vomel, Middle Atmospheric Water Vapour Radiometer (MIAWARA): Validation and first results of the LAPBIAT Upper Tropospheric Lower Stratospheric Water Vapour Validation Project (LAUTLOS-WAVVAP) campaign, J. Geophys. Res., 110, D13306, doi:10.1029/2004JD005543, 2005.

8.       M. Maturilli, F. Fierli, V. Yushkov, A. Lukyanov, S. Khaykin, A. Hauchecorne, Stratospheric water vapour in the vicinity of the Arctic polar vortex, Annales Geophysicae, V. 24, pp. 1511 – 1521, 2006.

9.       Vömel, H., V. Yushkov, S. Khaykin, L. Korshunov, E. Kyrö, and R. Kivi: Intercomparisons of Stratospheric Water Vapor Sensors: FLASH-B and NOAA/CMDL Frost-Point Hygrometer, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 24, 6, 941–952, 2007.

10.   Karpechko, A., A. Lukyanov, E. Kyrö, S. Khaikin, L. Korshunov, R.Kivi and H. Vömel, The water vapour distribution in the Arctic lowermost stratosphere during the LAUTLOS campaign and related transport processes including stratosphere-troposphere exchange, Atmos. Chem. Phys., V. 7, pp. 107-119, 2007.

11.   Lukyanov A.N., Karpechko A. Yu. Yushkov V.A., Korshunov L.I. Khaykin S.M., Ganshin A.V.,  Kyro E., Kivi R., Maturilli M., Vomel H., Estimation of water-vapor and ozone transport in the upper troposphere-lower stratosphere and fluxes through the tropopause during the field campaign at the Sodankyla station (Finland). Izvestiya RAN, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, V. 45, No. 3, pp. 316-324, 2009.

© Alex Lykov

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